# runProgram.rman file
rman "-version 1" {
Declare param {string rp_python_path} {
    label "Helper App Path"
    description "The path to the procedural helper app."
    subtype file
    range {*.py}
Declare param {int rp_points_num} {
    label "Number of Particles"
    subtype slider
    range {1 10000 10}
    description "The number of particles to generate."
Declare param {float rp_points_width} {
    label "Particle Size"
    subtype slider
    range {0.001 1}
    description "The diameter of the particles."
Declare param {float rp_outer_rad} {
    label "Outer Scatter Radius"
    subtype slider
    range {0.1 10}
    description "The radius of the cloud of points."
Declare param {float rp_inner_rad} {
    label "Inner Scatter Radius"
    subtype slider
    range {0.01 10}
    description "The radius of the empty core of the cloud."