Whats New - Version 4.2.4

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Sub-directories of a folder being zipped may now be excluded from the zip archive. The exclusion of files based on file extension and folder name is done without regard to case. In other words, excluding files ending with, say, a ".tif" extension will also exclude files ending with ".TIF" or ".TiF" etc.

When zipping on OSX the zipper utility now also automatically excludes "wacky" Icon? files - these files end with ascii character 13.


figure 1

3Delight & Pixie
Several minor changes have been made to the way that Cutter generates the RIB files for these renderers. The "Rib Options" under the Options tab of the Rman Tools floating palette (figure 2) provides three ways that Cutter can declare, or not declare, the parameter values of a shader. For example, suppose we have a shader called pity with a single float parameter named sad.

With inline datatypes chosen the text for this shader would be "inserted" into a RIB file as,

Surface "pity" "float sad" 1.0

With declare datatypes chosen the text for this shader would be "inserted" into a RIB file as,

Declare "sad" "float"
Surface "pity" "sad" 1.0

With omit datatypes chosen the text for this shader would be "inserted" into a RIB file as,

Surface "pity" "sad" 1.0

RIB files generated for Pixar's prman renderer have always, by default, used the last option. Now RIB files for 3Delight and Pixie also use omit datatypes.

There is, however, a problem with version 1.3.26 of 3Delight. On windows, Cutter is able to read the system shaders that ship with this product.


figure 2

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